AT Interweave Consultancy / Training

Martin Warner

Martin Warner has over 40 years of experience working with people in an educational and therapeutic capacity.

In 1999, Don Weed trained Martin as an Alexander Teacher in the tradition of Master Teacher Marjorie Barstow who trained with F.M. Alexander

Over a decade ago, whilst teaching in Glasgow, Martin was first introduced to Dr. Frank Corrigan, MD, FRCPsych (the originator of DBR.) . As a result of the last 11 years of collaboration, Martin and Frank have designed a Somatic (body-based) Interweave Component for Deep Brain Reorienting (DBR), which facilitates the release of long held shock from a client’s nervous system and helps them discharge emotions and affects linked to traumatic experience.

Dr Frank Corrigan

Throughout a career spanning over 30 years as an NHS Consultant Psychiatrist in Scotland, Frank Corrigan combined his extensive clinical experience with research on the neurobiology of trauma and its underpinnings in major psychiatric disorders.

His research broadly explored the intersection between affective Neuroscience and the science of healing culminating in the development of Deep Brain Reorienting (DBR). This new and novel psychotherapeutic approach emphasises the importance of tracking a distinctive neurophysiological sequence embedded in ‘deep brain’ systems. One of the most unique aspects of DBR as a trauma-focused therapy, is the embodiment of a natural healing process that is consonant with the evolutionary process of the developing brain and nervous system.